NGN 03 local rate & 08 freephone (Non-geographic numbers) are an easy & fast way for your business to create a UK-wide presence. Or, you may want to show that you're a local provided,with a geographic 01/02 prefix. Whichever is best for your business our partner, ‘Number Supermarket’ has a wide selection ready to route.
Making it memorable…
Ok, so you’ve decided to make the move to cloud comms or to upgrade your current hosted solution. Now, there is one thing you must have - a memorable phone number. That’s where our partners at Number Supermarket step in. With a huge range of 03, 08 and local business numbers to choose from, you’ll find the perfect one for your business.
Non-Geographic or Geo, which should you choose?
Well, that’s entirely up to you however here’s more info to help you decide:
Non-Geographic Numbers - taking your brand nationwide…
What exactly are non-geographic (08/03) numbers?
NGNs or Non-Geo telephone numbers begin with 08 or 03. Not tied to a specific location NGNs open up your potential customer base on a nationwide scale.
We know what you’re thinking…
NGNS are expensive to call right? Wrong! They are actually cheaper than you’d expect. 03 calls are usually included in callers’ bundles and if not, they’re never more than local rate. Of course 0800 & 0808s are completely FREE. Remember, if you opt for an 0844 or 0843, they do carry a cost for your callers but you can earn a healthy rebate just for doing what you do every day - answering the phone.
Rebate Generating Numbers
These 084/087 business phone numbers actually pay you. The more inbound call minutes you get, the more of a rebate you do too. It all adds up - in a good way. Why not find out more?
Geographic (01 & 02) - create an instant local presence
01 & 02 prefixes (or Geographic Numbers) are an easy way to tell your customers, ‘you’re local!’. Callers associate 01 & 02s as being, ‘close to home’ – creating familiarity, convenience and confidence, even before your call is connected. Priced at local rate and packed with features, Geographic Numbers are an extremely caller friendly option.
Still unsure whether a geographic or non-geo prefix is for you? Find out more…